Vitamin C (Ascorbate) Flush
Vitamin C (Ascorbate) Flush pdf.
"Vitamin C (ascorbic acid or l-ascorbate) is nature’s most potent, safer antioxidant cofactor. Ascorbate has gotten a fair amount of attention from the media in the last few years, including whether it is helpful, neutral, or harmful in limiting the number of colds, their symptoms, and their duration.
1. Ascorbate aids in the maintenance of cellular membranes, cellular respiration, the peroxidase cleansing system, the restoration of vitamin E /selenomethionine complexes, and sulfhydryl enzymes such as glutathione synthetase, thereby helping to detoxify various drugs and chemicals.
2. Ascorbate is also involved in hormone biosynthesis and maintaining the integrity of connective tissue, cartilage, capillaries, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C is, therefore, important in wound repair and tissue healing.
3. Ascorbate has been shown to increase cellular resistance to many common viral infections (most probably due to its interferon-like activity) and enhance specific parameters of immune function.
All of these actions of ascorbate are related to its antioxidant or reducing or electron donating abilities. The use of ascorbate in health and disease is complex and sometimes misunderstood, although much less when one considers the following facts and supportive background information.
While almost all animals and plants synthesize their own vitamin C, exceptions are guinea pigs, monkeys, and humans. The first two of those eat mostly fresh vitamin C-rich foods: fruits and vegetation. Nonhuman animals, when adjusted for size and weight, make the equivalent of 5 to 15 grams of vitamin C a day, mostly in their livers and when stress free. Production can more than double when the animal is distressed. Our genetic ancestors once had the ability to synthesize vitamin C but appear to have lost it years ago. One enzyme is missing in a 6-enzyme process converting glucose to vitamin C. Scientists estimate that without this mutation, when healthy we would be making 10-30 grams of vitamin C a day throughout our lives and more when we are unwell or distressed." ~ taken from How to do an Ascorbate (Vitamin C)Calibration Protocol, Perque LLC.